How to boost your bit donations on Twitch.

Grow your community & increase your income. If you are a streamer and you would like to increase your bit donations on Twitch, this is your post.  Bits are the perfect way for your audience to show their support to your content. They can tip you directly a given amount of bits (this is called cheering), […]

Try these OBS settings and improve your mic’s quality!

Improve your mic’s quality with these OBS settings! Do you want to know how to improve the quality of your streaming audio? You don’t need a big budget to sound like a pro, just the right OBS microphone settings. Even if you’ve paid only 15 bucks, these tricks will make the most out of it. […]

Dual PC Setup Guide

Give your stream the quality it deserves with these tips. Getting your own dual PC setup is easier than you might expect.

Capture card visualization guide for Dual PC

How to visualize your capture card to start streaming with a dual PC setup Let’s get this covered in 3 simple steps to have your capture card set up and running in no time! 1. Go to “Display settings” on your gaming computer and make sure that the screen of your capture machine is duplicated […]

Improve your webcam’s quality on OBS with this!

Improve your webcam’s quality on OBS easily! Hey! –  Have you been struggling to make your streams look more professional? In this post, we will be talking about how to improve your webcam’s quality on OBS to take your camera to the next level.  Maybe you have a webcam but are not sure yet how […]